Makers Tales


The Pink House by Rebecca Cole collection champions artisan textile traditions from Europe and West Africa. Taking an innovative approach to using traditional handwoven woven bands, as a form of passementerie for interiors, Rebecca Cole has identified a way to support artisan weavers, dyers and embroiderers in the Yoruba region of Nigeria.

 The Pink House by Rebecca Cole collection has taken these traditional textiles, re-thought them and introduced them to the interior design market as trims for upholstery and furnishings.

Combining her love of pattern and texture Rebecca has created a collection with three strands: broad woven borders, some vintage and some woven from native silk; a selection of these are also embroidered with intricate freehand machine embroidery, echoing Yoruba traditional ceremonial clothing, and Rebecca hand block-prints her designs onto simple hand-woven strips or vintage French linen. Rebecca’s experience as a textile print designer informs the curation of this collection encompassing traditions of cross-cultural print and weave. 

Traditional hand-dyed and starch-resist textile design from the Yoruba textile tradition is presented in the Pink House by Rebecca Cole Collection as art-quality digital wallpaper giving an illusion of fabric walling.